Using Zen Principles In Business

Posted by Bob on
Using Zen Principles In Business

Zen principles have been around for thousands of years. For wisdom to survive for that long it must have some clout in the world.

Many successful companies incorporate Zen ethology’s. Whether its intentional or not is down to opinion but the fact remains that these Zen principles are coming back around and influencing how business works.

An example of this is the simple idea of focusing on one thing. It may seem obvious, like something you would teach a child, but a concept like this can be a foundational principle that runs through the entire structure of the business.

Coca Cola focuses on soft drinks. It established its name through the quality of its single product. With solid foundations in place and a well established brand it eventually broadened its horizons by creating and marketing new drinks.

There is an ancient Zen dialogue between a master and student:

“Master, how do you put enlightenment into action?  How do you practice it in everyday life?”

“By eating and sleeping,” replied the master.

“But Master, everybody sleeps and everybody eats.”

“But not everybody eats when they eat, and not everybody sleeps when they sleep.”

It describes mindfulness and focus and how it influences everyday life. Allowing the mind to focus on a single task is a powerful concept. A concept that can also be used in business to great effect.